Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taronga Zoo is definitely Sydney's wild side

Opened in 1884, the Taronga Zoo is the first public zoo in New South Wales, Australia. Taronga is the Aboriginal word meaning beautiful view and with the gorgeous Sydney skyline in the background it was aptly named. The zoo has gone through renovation and redevelopment featuring updated exhibits like Aviary's, Aquariums, Australian Wildlife, Deserts, African or the Asian Rain-forest, which provides a unique insight into the majesty and wonder of the jungle homes of an amazing array of rare Asian wildlife including Asian Elephants, Silvery Gibbons, Francoise Languors, Asian Turtles, and Fishing Cats. The Taronga Zoo is continually building and updating its cultural and educational displays and precincts in order to provide the ultimate in family fun. Be sure to check out the free animal shows with trained Seals or those with Birds of Prey throughout the day. 
There are plenty of Taronga Zoo ferry services in downtown Sydney and that is the preferred mode of travel to the zoo. A ferry leaving from downtown Sydney's Circular Quay take passengers on a 20 minute ride to disembark at the zoo's ferry wharf. There you can enter the zoo's Sky Rail which is a gondola lift that takes you on a scenic ride above the zoo to start at the very top of it and work your way down through all the exhibits. The cost is around $99 Australian that will buy you two "Zoo Link" tickets covering ferry fares, park entry and Sky Rail gondola ride. It's totally worth it for a half or a full day adventure seeing endangered species from around the planet. 
 I did take some crazy fun photos, but the videos are wild, animals are kooky and funny. Check them out.
Zoo Photos

Long necked Turtle
Black headed viper
Large lizard
Coiled yellow viper
Siberian Snow Leopard
Huntsman Spider
Kimono Dragon
Aussie Crocodiles 

Toronga Zoo Videos
Chest beating Gorillas
Australian Pheasants
Lovey dovey Wallabies
Sea Turtle


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